February 15, 2025


Immortalizing Ideas

17 Black Motherhood Bloggers to Follow on Instagram

17 Black Motherhood Bloggers to Follow on Instagram

Stepping into motherhood for the first time can be anxiety-inducing. When I was pregnant with my now 3-year-old daughter, I knew nothing about motherhood, let alone my body and the magic it was capable of.

Like most millennial moms, I took to Instagram to learn from other mamas. I started my account and flooded my feed by following all sorts of parents. Many have different beliefs, backgrounds, and lifestyles, but all have the same love for their children. I learned about the best products, the cutest baby fashion, and the reality of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. I connected with old friends, made new friends, and found my community.

This was great, but one concern I had about the Instagram parenting world was the lack of Black motherhood representation. Sponsored content and brand feeds were full of white bloggers and influencers. In addition, Instagram ads were always featuring white families. The lack of diversity was troubling, and it still is today. While brands and media are finally being held accountable for their lack of diversity and inclusion—it’s also up to us, the users who fuel Instagram, to diversify our feeds.

Read on for 17 incredible Black mamas to follow on Instagram. Each of these parents has provided some sage advice for new moms. In addition, they regularly share their honest stories of Black motherhood while providing tips on everything from healthy living, recipes, home decor, fashion, beauty, and more.

1. Kayla Eubanks (@twochocolatefaces)

Kayla Eubanks was one of the first moms I followed on Instagram. I could not get over her adorable twins. Anytime they popped into my feed, they sparked instant joy.

When she’s not playing double the fun with her boys, Eubanks is a special education teacher and fitness instructor. In 2020, she penned a beautiful and powerful blog post titled “Is My Son Next? Fears of a Black Mother” about police violence and the fear of parenting Black boys in America.

“Give yourself grace, and lots of it,” says Eubanks. “The day your child was born, you too were born as a mother, and you should treat yourself as such; brand new and just arriving in this monumental and often frightening new role. You are a baby, too. Allow yourself the same space to learn and grow that you would your child. Your baby is far more resilient than you realize and loves you unconditionally—your best is more than good enough for them. Allow it to be good enough for you, too.”

2. Angela Webber (@_mynameismama)

⁣⁣Angela Webber is such a sweetheart, and her kiddos are scrumptious. Whether splashing about in the pool or playing with their adorable mini Goldendoodle, Webber and her five kids will make you want to get outside and play! She is a busy mama, yet she finds time to create thoughtful content. I can’t tell you how many times she has introduced me to products and toys that have helped make my mom life easier.⁣⁣

“There’s so much advice that I could give to new mamas,” says Webber. “But the main thing I want to say is to be kind to yourself. And also to ask for help if you find yourself getting overwhelmed. You’re going through so many changes—hormonally, physically, emotionally.”

“This is such a huge change. I wasn’t always kind to myself. I would try and push myself, ignore self-care, and try to please everyone around me. It got old, fast. Take care of yourself. Take care of your mental health. If you don’t want visitors, say no. Take some time to care for yourself. For me, that’s a long shower or bath; or scheduling an appointment with my amazing therapist. You’re allowed to put yourself first. I always have to check myself by asking, ‘if I’m a mess, how can I take care of my kids?'” she says.

3. Mari Witzel (@mari_unfiltered)

When I need positive words and motivation, I jump over to Mari Witzel’s Insta-feed. Witzel is a wonderful mother with two sweet little girls. She is a fitness pro and is also all about that outdoor life.

I love her positivity and the constant inspiration she delivers for healthy living. ⁣⁣The journey to healthy living, both physically and mentally, is not easy. Witzel offers a space where you can feel comfortable with your imperfections. She openly shares her highs and lows, which is essential when trying to make a genuine connection.

“To all the new mamas, I would say my biggest lesson I’ve learned through my motherhood journey is to stop comparing myself—no mom is perfect, we are all going through different struggles with motherhood, and we are all in this together,” she says.

“It takes a village to raise these kids, and we have to learn to lean on each other when we need help and not be afraid to ask. Another thing I’ve learned is to learn to embrace my postpartum body stretch marks and all; it’s beautiful, and it’s a miracle what our bodies have brought to this world, so yeah, we are pretty badass, I would say!”

4. Lizzy Mathis (@lizzymathis)

⁣⁣Lizzy is a “cool mom” of three cuties. I love the balance on her page. She takes part in creating for brands while laying down the real talk and still making you laugh with her playful dance videos and photos.

Founder of The Cool Mom Co., Lizzy helps build relationships where modern mamas can connect. She’s no stranger to the big screen, and we love when she teams up with her pal Jessica Alba for some guided meditation or hot looks!

“Sleep, sleep, sleep whenever the baby sleeps,” she says. “Self-care is so important for moms but especially new moms. Take it one day at a time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help! Let your partner, friends, and family take care of you while you take care of baby. Remember to relax; motherhood is a new journey but a fun one!”

5. Tatanisha Worthey (@thiswortheylife)

If there is an Instagram page I constantly fawn over, it would be Tatanisha Worthey’s @thiswortheylife. Thoughtfully created by Tatanisha and her husband Derrick, the two share the most mouthwatering food and drinks.

Beautifully placed and shot, Tatanisha’s images of pineapple Arnold Palmer tea, cheesy spinach mashed double potatoes, and Dalgona coffee cocktails will have you drooling over your phone.

In addition to recipes, Worthey is a mother of three teen boys and has many valuable tips for parenting teens on her blog. You’ll also find plenty of home decor and DIY inspiration.

“My advice to new moms is this: Don’t try to be the perfect mom,” says Worthey. “Just be the best mom you can be. Also, be careful of asking or listening to every single piece of parenting advice. Every advice or parenting book may not work for you and your family. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and not stress about the small stuff.”

Sandra Burciaga Olinger

One concern I had about the Instagram parenting world was the lack of Black motherhood representation. Sponsored content and brand feeds were full of white bloggers and influencers… The lack of diversity was troubling, and it still is today.

— Sandra Burciaga Olinger

6. Donnya Negera (@donnyanegerablog)

You instantly get a warm feeling when you visit Donnya Negera’s page. Her photos are beautiful! With squares filled with her two little cuties, Negera shares her fun (and trying) adventures through motherhood.

Negera also provides fantastic blog posts that offer motherhood support and information on how to grow your blog and social platforms.

“With motherhood comes this daunting reality of losing yourself to fully provide for your family,” she says. “But I want you to know that your life does not have to end once motherhood starts! Continue to chase those dreams, go out on a girls’ night, do whatever it takes to keep YOU alive through it all! People may think it’s selfish, but how can we love our children if we haven’t learned to love ourselves yet? Self-care and self-love are the best way to navigate through motherhood.”

7. LaShawn Wiltz (@lashawnwiltz)

When a mama loves tacos and bacon as much as you do, you know you found someone special. LaShawn Wiltz has been blogging for over a decade at her blog Everyday Eyecandy. She is a true content creator and has won numerous awards for her photography and Instagram.

Her blog focuses on motherhood, travel, tech, and plenty of Instagram and content creation tips. If you want to learn more about photography, Wiltz also hosts a photography Facebook group (The Everyday Eyecandy Project) where members can share and learn more about photography and participate in photo challenges.

“Don’t try to do it all. You can’t!” says Wiltz. “You cannot pour from an empty cup, so you have to take care of you so that you can take care of that precious baby. Accept all offers of help, food from friends, and offers to let you get out of the house alone, even if it’s for a 5-minute walk around the block. The baby will be fine.”

8. Brandi Sellers-Jackson (@bstereo)

Definitely one of the most stylin’ mamas, Brandi Sellers-Jackson is truly a creative force. A multi-faceted mama who also plays the role of doula, writer, social media manager, and co-founder of @momsincolor.

If that wasn’t enough, Sellers-Jackson is also a musician (her husband is, too!). Come for the fun music sessions and dancing-with-baby videos; stay for the beautifully written pieces about motherhood on her blog, Not So Private Parts.

“The advice I would give new parents is to be super gentle with yourself and ask for help,” she says. “While pregnant, begin to cultivate your postpartum village and set up a game plan for what your after-baby journey is going to look like. Your body, mind, and relationship with yourself (and others) will thank you for it! Postpartum is not meant to be done alone.”

9. Shina Sanabria (@belightwithshina)

Motherhood, wellness, and women empowering women—these are all things Shina Sanabria shines on her page. She is a mother of three, and your heart will melt when looking at the cute photos of her children.

Shina is a published author and trained Reiki Master and Holistic Healing Practitioner. As a woman who has endured past trauma, she now shares with others the same love and healing energy that helped her rise and move forward.

“Mothering advice from experts, a good book, family, and friends are great, but at the end of the day, find confidence in being the mom you intuitively know to be,” she says. “Do the type of ‘momming’ that feels and comes naturally to you! And, of course, don’t be so hard on yourself!”

10. Dr. Traci Baxley (@socialjusticeparenting)

A mother of five children, and an educator for more than 30 years, Traci Baxley, Ed.D., is a great resource for parenting with intention and giving overwhelmed moms the support they need.

Through her Social Justice Parenting initiative, she provides workshops and educational tools where parents can learn how to effectively talk to their kids about racism and teach their children about self-advocacy, independence, and humanity. In addition, Dr. Baxley has led corporate trainings, workshops, and keynote speaking nationwide.

“Breathe…then stop chasing the inclusive state of balance; instead, find harmony in all of the areas of your life,” she says. “There is no such thing as balance. Center yourself around the ebbs and flows of life, and you will know where to put your attention where it is needed.”

“When you lose your center, give yourself a little grace…get the support you need, ask for help, and know you are never alone. Every moment that you experience as a mama know that there are other moms who have gone through the same thing. Find your village and be a village for other moms,” she says.

11. Kia Woods (@happilykia)

Let it be known, Kia Woods is one dope mama, but as her Instagram bio reads, she is “doper offline.” A mama to a charming little gentleman and a lover of Jesus and justice, Wood’s Instagram is full of parenting moments and honest, poetic words from which we can all learn something.

In addition to navigating the “never-ending exhaustion of motherhood,” Woods is also the Community Justice Action Fund director. Here she works towards advancing policy to end gun violence and strengthen communities of color.

“Grace wins. That’s what I always share with women navigating new motherhood,” she says. “Grace-filled motherhood is honoring your shifting seasons and changing identity. You may not ever pick back up as your former self, and that’s OK. The new and transformative vessel you’ve become is more than enough.”

“Give yourself grace for every situation, and you’ll be equipped for every storm. Grace is ridding yourself of the societal pressures of a snapback. Grace is less about a schedule and more of what fuels your sanity. Your postpartum body bore witness to a miracle, and your tiny new love interest won’t remember if you ventured off schedule. Grace says, ‘I can do this,'” she says.

12. Alexis Kristiana Coats (@alexiskristiana)

Alexis Kristiana Coats is a strong, beautiful mama, and I honestly can’t get enough of her feed. From her gorgeous baby to her beautiful photos of herself and her handsome family of three, it’s no surprise that Coats also has a career in modeling.

While providing tips on motherhood, clean beauty, and healthy living, Coats also has a lovely online store called Liquid Gold Vintage. Here she curates lovely vintage pieces made for the nursing mama.

“Motherhood is full of stages that you’ll be evolving and moving through constantly,” she says. “Let each day be its own day, taking it day by day. Allow the laundry to pile up, take that extra nap, and find comfort in your mother tribe—they will be there for you in more ways than you know. Focus on doing motherhood the way you want to do it; it’s your beautiful journey.”

13. Chasity Holcomb (@momfully.you)

Embracing all things motherhood and teaching mothers how to parent while still being true to themselves, Chasity Holcomb’s Instagram is aesthetically pleasing with her branded colors of neutrals. But the true value of her page comes with the knowledge she is sharing.

Focusing on mental health and faith-based support for moms, Holcolmb creates beautiful artwork and infographics loaded with valuable information. On her website, she offers a free Anxious Mom workbook. In addition, she is a therapist who provides exclusive teletherapy sessions through her online practice.

“Navigating through motherhood can be difficult,” she says. “Some of these difficulties arise because of unrealistic expectations either we place on ourselves, or we gather from societal and cultural norms. This idea that moms should be all things to everyone at all times is damaging.

“I like to encourage moms to shift their expectations and find their own path in mothering in a way that feels right for them. Motherhood brings about a huge life adjustment but can be much more manageable when moms show up fully as themselves, not how others deem they should,” she says.

14. Jennifer Borget (@jenniferborget)

With three scrumptious littles, Jennifer Borget has her hands full but still manages to deliver beautiful and compelling content. A former journalist, Borget now writes full-time on her award-winning blog Cherish 365. Here she talks about parenting, interracial marriage, diversity and inclusion, and plenty of Disney fun.

She is a skilled and seasoned blogger, rolling out several new posts and YouTube videos weekly. Jennifer is an inspiration to follow if you’re a mama trying to build a blogging career.

“There’s no official playbook for motherhood,” she says. “You get to make the rules. But one thing that took me a couple of kids to realize is how these children aren’t extensions of me. They are on loan for me to raise, nurture, and teach. But they are their own people. With their own lives to live. My job is to help them find out who they are and help them become the best versions of themselves, then get out of their way.”

Kayla Eubanks, @twochocolatefaces

The day your child was born, you too were born as a mother and you should treat yourself as such; brand new and just arriving in this monumental and often frightening new role. You are a baby, too. Allow yourself the same space to learn and grow that you would your child.

— Kayla Eubanks, @twochocolatefaces

15. Kierra Henderson (@heybelovedmama)

A mother of four boys, Kierra Henderson, shares her honest journey through motherhood while keeping us smiling with the funny things her kids say and do. I love how real she is: She shares her faith and vulnerability, and despite her picture-perfect photos, she lets you into the real behind-the-scenes of motherhood. Her entrepreneurial spirit and fight for racial justice have created a beautiful movement called “I Am Mama.”

“There’s no such thing as a perfect mom, but you are THE perfect mom for your kiddos,” she says. “So trust your gut, give yourself grace and room to get it wrong. Let them mix the playdough colors and eat that Cheerio off the floor. Love, not perfection, makes them turn out just fine.”

16. Anastasia Stancil (@undeniableannie)

Anastasia Stancil is a busy mama of three and a career nurse. From her in-feed posts to her stories, Stancil’s content is well-balanced with honest words about marriage and motherhood, motivation, self-care, and DIY. “Inspiring women to work for what they want,” Stancil has built a welcoming community where mamas can connect.

“My advice to new moms learning to navigate motherhood is to give yourself grace,” she says. “There’s no book you can read with all of the answers, and there’s no person that can predict exactly what each day will look like. Take as much or as little advice from others as you like, and use those natural instincts to help guide you. Most importantly, enjoy each stage and soak it all in because before you know it, these moments will just be memories.”

17. Shay Sweeney (@shaymone)

Shay Monè Sweeney handles motherhood with style! Even her kids have the cutest looks. A modern mama with an abundance of parenting tips on her blog, Sweeney also has excellent taste in fashion and home decor.

I recently purchased two adorable dresses for my daughter after seeing how cute her little girl looked in one of them. As one-fourth of the team behind @influencingincolor and the woman behind @shaymone, her Insta squares are serious goals.

“When you become a mom, it’s like you have a newborn baby and unsolicited advice,” she says. “Your mom will tell you all the remedies and tricks she used to do on you, friends and family will tell you what you should and shouldn’t do with your baby. I learned really quickly to take the advice and keep it moving. You are a new mom and have to do what’s best for you and your newborn! All the advice can become overwhelming, so just do what you can, and you will make it through! There is no rule book to parenting, so don’t feel pressured to listen to all the advice being thrown at you!”